Our portable Egg Belt Stitcher is ideal for repairing polypropylene egg transport belts in pace.
It has a lubrication lubrication pumpt extend the life of the machine.
Its operation is quite easy and it can be handled by just pressing the power button.
It also has a built-in automatic thread trimmer after sewing the thread.

After sewing you can put some Contact Glue so the fibers wil not come up during operation of the belt.
Special Thread
We provice special non-standard thread P15 (polypropiline) monofilament thread especially for this application.
Product Features:
- Sewing speed: 1,700 rpm max. .
- Distance between stitches: 7,2 mm (Fixed).
- Push-button lubricant device. It cannot work without oil.
- Safety: Knife covered, Wheel covered
- Weight 6,5 kg (with thread).
Suggestion: For a perfect finish, coat the stitch with contact glue.
Contacts direct on whatsapp (0031642173033) or via e-mail sales@bagsewing.eu